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Air Distribution

Posted by IR Compressed Air on 8/19/2014
The compressed air piping system should be designed to deliver compressed air to the pneumatic application at the appropriate flow and pressure. The air distribution system should incorporate a leak-free piping system sized to minimize air pressure drop from its supply-the compressor and compressed air treatment components-to the point of use. Minimizing the number of 90° elbows will maximize the delivered air pressure. 

Air Treatment Technology

Posted by IR Compressed Air on 7/16/2014
Once compressed air is cooled, further drying can be accomplished through the use of a compressed air dryer. There are many types of dyers. Dryers can be typically grouped into two major categories: refrigerant or desiccant. The design, performance and cost of a dryer will depend upon the application.

With a desiccant dryer, water vapor is removed through absorption and adsorption processes. In the event compressed air lines are exposed to temperature below 32° F (or 00 C), the use of desiccant dryer is required to eliminate the hazard of compressed air line freezing.

Compressed Air Helpful Hints

Posted by IR Compressed Air on 7/1/2014
The normal state of air, barometric, is called atmospheric pressure. When air is compressed, it is under pressure greater than that of the atmosphere and it characteristically attempts to return to its normal state. Since energy is required to compress the air, that energy is released as the air expands and returns to atmospheric pressure. 

How to Size Air Treatment

Posted by IR Compressed Air on 6/11/2014
There are different classes of air quality that are dependent upon the particle size, moisture, and oil content in the air. A chart of the different classes of air and an example on how to determine the ISO class can be seen below. When sizing air treatment equipment, consider the quality of air the customer desires.

Rotary Technology

Posted by IR Compressed Air on 5/14/2014
Rotary helical screw compressors utilize two intermeshing helical rotors in a twin-bore case. In a single-stage design, the air inlet is usually located at the top of the cylinder near the drive shaft end. The discharge port is located at the bottom of the opposite end of the cylinder. As the rotors unmesh at the air inlet end of the cylinder, air is drawn into the cavity between the main rotor lobes and the secondary rotor grooves. 

Rules of Thumb

Posted by IR Compressed Air on 5/8/2014
1. The typical body shop/garage uses 2.5 Horsepower per man 
2. 4 CFM per Horsepower on a 100 psi air compressor 
3. Each psi pressure drop equals 0.5% in Horsepower 
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